The Virtue of Facing the Truth
Here are some deciding factors…
We must let the scales balance themselves.
A life is lived in the self.
We may say this: a person is in constant entanglement with the forces around them, as well as the feelings caused by those forces.
Pain causes more pain, but it also causes reflection.
Sometimes you are caught up in emotions and say
“Well, I could do no wrong!”
But we do so much.
When I think about it, I am sometimes dispossessed by my emotions.
Well, sometimes it is the lack of emotions, or emotions felt for the sake of avoiding the truth. A truthful person would not deceive themselves.
Virtue consists in overcoming one’s own inner conflicts.
That is to say, even if it hurts, we must untangle the knots.
We must not assume anything until it is first presented to us.
For we may feel we are operating with a will of our own, but that will is pulled by strings, magnetism, forces exerting pressure.
Of course there are those who wish to help. There are those who need our help. There are those who sincerely love with their whole heart!
But when there are intentions, egos, subtleties involved, that is no longer sincere. There is no longer that sense of “I am doing this”.
And when there is self-deception, deception appears in our actions.
How OFTEN has the Lord shown us ways to reject the dark path?
But we still cling onto our fantasies and beliefs.
We may say: I want this, I want that, I want peace…
But what about the truth?
What about the wave of honesty radiating in our conscience?
This I must say with a heavy heart:
“Our destiny is complicated, but we can make it so much worse…”
And the pain is made even worse if we don’t question ourselves.
Let the Lord speak into our hearts:
“Are you willing to overcome that which you regret?”
Perhaps we must bite the bullet.
There is no need to play games with genuine feelings.
Pain then becomes a fight against the evil within.
Presumption takes us far until we begin to lose our way forward.
I say this in a righteous manner, but I say it regrettably:
“I have no knowledge without the eyes of God.”
My will is but a marionnette that must be controlled by right actions.
Forgive me, O Lord, for I have known so little about so much.
Let us all strive to be forgiven and exalted for our lack of understanding.
For we are but sinners, not knowing the way forward,
And reason is not enough to overcome the wheels of fate.
I speak to the Truth, and it speaks to me:
“Let it all go, and set yourself free.”